Level up skills, build bonds…oh…and have a good time!


How we present our ideas means everything...but most of us don't have a clue.

  • Presenters don't know how to build audience trust or inspire action.

  • Technical professionals (ahem...engineers) rarely get to speak in front of audiences at all.

  • Individual contributors are overlooked for speaking opportunities.

The result: brands suffer because they aren't giving their employees the tools to become true brand evangelists.


Ignite Labs is on a mission to eradicate boring presentations! We are the educational arm of Ignite Talks, a global talk series that has held events in 350+ cities & sparked thousands of talks.

We teach presenters how to be clear, concise, and charismatic.

Our distinct 5 minute, 20 slide format makes for some epic learning moments. Why? Because it forces speakers to drill down to the essence of what they are trying to say. Every single word counts!

As Blaise Pascal famously wrote: "I would have written a shorter letter,
but I did not have the time."


We offer 2 types of services: speaker coaching & event facilitation.

These services complement each other; we recommend including both in your package. Here's why: the training only gets speakers so far—we have to put them on stage to make them shine! That is where the rubber meets the road and the real learning happens.

We can help you design a package that meets your needs. All clients gain lifetime access to our private online global community. All packages that include event facilitation come with a license to use Ignite Talks branding and logo at their event.

Speaker Coaching

Speaker Coaching can be a combination of:

  • Group workshops

  • One-on-one coaching sessions

Sessions can be structured as a 1 day intensive (~8 hours) or can be broken up into shorter sessions that span multiple days or weeks.

Event Facilitation

  • Pre-event planning & curation

  • On-site event management

We can be as involved or as hands-off as needed with your internal Ignite Talks event. Our services range from simply providing a workshop to train your staff in how to facilitate the event on your own, all the way to managing the whole process start-to-finish and being on-site to manage the event on the big day.


The "content track" is the content focus for your coaching and event activities. We have several pre-made tracks you can choose from, or we can collaborate on designing one specifically for your needs. All of the tracks cover content creation & delivery, and they all emphasize keeping the audience engaged while getting your point across clearly and quickly!

Ignite Talks Classic
We teach your team how to create and deliver an Ignite-style talk that lasts 5 minutes, with 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. The talk topics can vary—specify a theme or leave it open-ended. This is a great track to choose if one of your main goals is team bonding, as participants can choose topics to share about that are meaningful to them.

How to Pitch in the Wild
This track is great for start-up accelerators & entrepreneurs that want to learn how to present their world-changing ideas effectively in any environment—be it a cocktail party or a conference room.

How to Give a "Sticky" Talk
Make sure your words count! There are simple methods to making any kind of talk meaningful and memorable...or in other words...STICKY. This track focuses on teaching participants how to create talks that land right where they're supposed to—in the hearts of your audience.

Technical Talk Tune-Ups
Technical presentations don't have to be overwhelming or put people to sleep. This track focuses on how to give business & technical presentations that keep the audience engaged.