Ignite UnDavos is run by Ignite Talks HQ, based in San Francisco, CA, USA.
Lead Organizers:
Brady Forrest
Firen Forrest
Contact email: brady@ignitetalks.io
There are two Ignites at Davos in 2023
January 17 @ 5PM CET
Kulturplatz Davos, Promenade 58C
Hosted by Brady Forrest, Ignite Founder
Mark Turrell
A 25 Year Plan to Change the Entire World (for Better)
Cathy Mulligan
Cooperate or Die
Inga Bard
Spiritual Armor: Re-Thinking a Ukranian Garment
Adam Place
Music as Metaverse Property
Dima Syrotkin
How ChatGPT-like technology can bring us to collective enlightenment
John Goedschalk
BioTara: regenerative harvesting of wild oils to save nature and protect indigenous communities in Amazonia
Thomas Demmel
Carbon Negative is easy - 5 years roadmap to decarbonise construction & concrete
Aba Schubert
Edible Forest Plants of Appalachia
January 18 @ 3PM CET
Schweizerische Alpine Mittelschule
Davos 2 Guggerbachstrasse 7270
Hosted by Brady Forrest, Ignite Founder
Nicola (Nicky) Gryczka Kirsch
A future distinct from the past, a world free of hunger
Daniel Feldman
Freak’n build it!
Jamar Montgomery
Money and Votes:UnF*cking America’s Political System
Yulia Myronova
What will happen if we offer wealth management service to people under poverty